The choice of your career as a medical assistant


Today, many people are unemployed. Do you know that there is a growing number of medical assistant today? The health care industry does not mean that its only offers the opportunity for nurses and doctors. Industry health care offers employment opportunities for Physician Assistants. A physician assistant performs administrative and clinical tasks to keep offices podiatrists, chiropractors, doctors and other health professionals. The duty of doctors assistants May vary from one office to another, depending on the size and location of the practice and specialty doctors.

In my humble opinion, be a medical assistant is a great opportunity for increased income and career progression. Revenue May medical assistants to be different, but it depends on your skill level, experience and location. However, according to several sources on the Internet, the average annual income of medical assistants in 2004 ranged between $ 20650 and $ 28930. However, before you can be a medical assistant, you must go to a medical assistant school.

Perhaps most of us think that we do not have more time to go to school. Well, in my humble opinion, we do not need to worry because to provide a medical assistant class and online training. Imagine that we can attend the class where, every time. offers a good model for distance education program for physicians assistants. The high number of distance learning and online degrees is available today. On the other hand, has been increasingly rapidly, this situation is similar to the number of institutions and schools that offer online learning has been too rapid expansion.

Programs distance learning can offer many advantages, there is no need to leave our house, and all we need is nothing more than being a self-discipline. In my humble opinion, it is not difficult for us that just as what we learn. Furthermore, we can control our own schedule and time. Programs distance learning are often very flexible and allow their students to study online at their own pace and convenience, this advantage has done a good level of training assistant easier than ever. There is no doubt that distance education is a good example of an excellent education and affordable for people who want to study for a rewarding career as a medical assistant. Therefore, if you think that being a medical assistant is a good choice to continue his career, it would be very register the program.

Lanjutan The choice of your career as a medical assistant

Kisah Sedihku : Ramadhan Tahun Lalu


Hmm,., Setelah nulis posting sebelumnya, saya jadi teringat ramadhan tahun lalu. Ada satu kejadian yang mampu membuat saya bener-bener down. Yang lucunya kejadian yang bikin saya "hampir" frustasi itu cuma gara-gara seorang wanita, ya ramadhan tahun lalu, kira-kira 1 atau 2 minggu menjelang idul fitri (saya lupa tepatnya) saya diputusin sama pacar nangih(jadi malu nih). Ya kecewa, marah dan sedih semua bercampur aduk saat itu, tapi mau bagaimana lagi, toh kehidupan ini terus berputar. Memang sangat aneh, walaupun sudah hampir setahun kami berpisah tapi hubungan kami sampai sekarang tetap deket walaupun sekarang sang wanita itu sudah ada yang punya, sementara saya masih terus berharap bisa balikan rindu. tapi, ya udahlah, sekali lagi kehidupan ini terus berputar, seperti yang dikatakan oleh bos indra diky, "tetap semangat" peace.
Untuk wanita yang pernah menyakitiku, walaupun kau tak secantik bintang dilangit, walaupun kau tak seindah rangkaian bunga, tapi kau anugrah yang pernah kumiliki. segelintir harap masih melintas dengan riangnya didalan hati, namun bila itu tak terwujud tak menjadi masalah bagiku. tak ada yang diinginkan seekor merpati jantan selain melihat pasangannya terbang dan meliuk dengan indahnya, dengan kebahagiaan yang mungkin tak mampu ia berikan. "You are still my best lover"

Lanjutan Kisah Sedihku : Ramadhan Tahun Lalu

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan


Alhamdulillah, dalam hitungan hari lagi kita akan memasuki bulan yang penuh rakhmat dan barokah. Ga terasa udah hampir setaun dari bulan ramadhan tahun lalu, kini kita akan memasuki bulan suci itu kembali. Mudah-mudahan di bulan ramadhan tahun ini saya dan kita semua lebih dalam lagi dalam menjalankan ibadah kita, dan semoga amal ibadah kita diterima di sisi Allah SWT, amin,,,., Berhubung dikit lagi mau puasa, saya secara pribadi ingin meminta maaf yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua orang, bila ada tulisan atau apapun yang tidak berkenaan dihati anda semua.

Lanjutan Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

LifeLock Promo Code


The world worry these days is identity theft. Personally, I do not think we have much to worry. If someone takes my identity find that life is a waste. And I have a better chance.

There is something so serious, and there are steps you can take to ensure their safety.

It is a thing called LifeLock. Protect your identity and personal information and helps get his reputation back someone should try to use it. It covers up to $ 1,000,000

If you want to use LifeLock system of identity theft that you have to pay. It's just enough, is a good service, but if there is a way to get a little cheaper than it would be a good idea.

Well, you can get a LifeLock Promo Code from

This is the RD17 promotional code and give you a discount on Just go to and pass the test. It raises some positive points on shredding or burning all documents not used, not to leave outgoing mail in the mailbox where everyone can connect, and review your credit report.
Get promotion code, use your rebate and get you covered

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If you are a businessman I think you'll agree with my statement shows that trade is one of the best ways to promote their products or services. However, you need some creativity and, of course, budgeting smart to make their commercial success shows. You need to dig a number of ideas on how to build a trade show on screen or adequately market their products or services.

I have several tips that can be quite useful if you want to build trade fairs at this time. First, they must take their products at fair sample. For example, if their products are jewellery and then using a silver-colored exhibition does not quite your choice. Try another color (darker than money), exhibition display, so that their products are "pop up" against the screen.

Secondly, some may provide additional facilities for the customer who comes to their fair sample. For example, can provide food, drinks or a whole sofa, so that their clients will be more. Thirdly, if it is still confused with the theme of the show, then I suggest you match of the season at trade fairs held. For example, if the summer, you can use the screen theme of the summer, you can also add several articles in his screen which reflects the fair season and also their products.

When you arrive to find companies that can help you manage your trade show displays, if it is a truss or banner stands or perhaps something else is bound to trade show dispays to navigate more information full on the Internet. Choose which has a large variety and sufficient experience in industry trade shows. Take a look at their Web site for more information. Finally, I hope that with good trade fairs


Harga Gas Elpiji Besok Naek Lagi


Hmm, hari ini hari paling melelahkan, dari tadi pagi muter-muter kemakam sodara karena dikit lagi mao menjelang bulan puasa jadi berkunjung kemakan sodara-sodara yang udah terlebih dahulu di panggil sama yang maha kuasa harus saya dan keluarga saya lakukan. upss, ko jd curhat si? :) ya mungkin ini juga bisa dibilang curhat saya. Jadi cerita begini, tadi ketika mao kemakam my grandmother (mo bilang nenek aja kegayaan :D ) saya istirahat sejenak di rumah sodara saya yang memang tidak jauh dari lokasi pemakaman. Sambil ngopi, bakar rokok, terus iseng baca koran poskota terbitan hari ini. inalillahi, saya kembali lagi dikejutkan dengan judul salah satu artikel yang terpampang besar dengan huruf kapital yang dicetak tebal dihalaman depan koran tersebut.

weks, baca judulnya aja saya udah memicingkan mata. Ga tanggung-tanggung untuk gas elpiji ukuran 12 kg mulai besok naik Rp.500/kg, atau bila hari ini gas elpiji ukuran 12 kg seharga Rp.63.000 mulai besok harga akan berubah menjadi Rp.69.000. jadi naik hingga Rp.6000. Kaget? anda akan lebih kaget lagi bila mendengar lanjutannya, kenaikan harga tersebut akan terus berlangsung setiap bulannya, setidaknya hingga 10 bulan kedepan. Menurut VP Komunikasi Pertamina, Wisnuntoro, harga keekonomian gas elpiji saat ini adalah Rp.11.400/kg sedangkan harga baru yang akan ditetapkan besok adalah Rp. 5.750/kg jadi untuk mencapai harga keekonomian gas elpiji pertamina menaikannya secara bertahap setiap bulannya. Kenaikan harga Rp. 500/kg itu hanya terjadi pada gas elpiji ukuran 12 kg, sedangkan gas elpiji ukuran 50 kg sebesar Rp. 18.850 atau mengalami kenaikan sebesar Rp.377/kg, dan untuk gas elpiji ukuran 3 kg tidak mengalami kenaikan.

Bila dilihat kenaikan harga tabung 12 kg dan 50 kg itu berbeda karena untuk menjegah para pelaku industri yang menggunakan gas ukuran 50 kg beralih ke tabung 12 kg, agar tabung 12 kg tidak langka seperti beberapa waktu lalu karena habis diborong oleh para pelaku industri.

Pendapat saya perbedaan kenaikan itu mungkin memang akan menurunkan resiko langkanya gas elpiji ukuran 12 kg, TAPI tidak menutup kemungkinan hal tersebut malah akan membuat langkanya tabung ukuran 3 kg. Ya kalo para pelaku industri beralih memburu gas elpiji ukuran 3 kg, gimana ayo? lagi-lagi kaum kecil seperti saya yang harus mengalami imbasnya. dulu rakyat disuruh beralih dari pemakaian kompor minyak tanah ke gas elpiji, dikasih kompor gratis lah, sekarang ketika hampir sebagian rakyat indonesia sudah menggunakan gas elpiji termasuk kaum kecil, eh malah harga gas elpijinya terus melejit sampe kelangit yang mungkin ga bisa kejangkau dengan perekonomian golongan menegah kebawah.

hadoh,,. hadoh,.,. makin kacau deh nih negara ini.

p.s : 1. informasi diatas di ambil dari koran poskota, edisi 24 Agustus 2008.
2. gambar di ambil dari

Lanjutan Harga Gas Elpiji Besok Naek Lagi

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Akhirnya MasterCard Payoneerku Datang Juga


Akhirnya MasterCard dari payoneer yang udah kurang lebih sebulan lalu di approve nyampe juga hari ini. Padahal dh sedikit lupa :) soalnya waktu saya blogging yang dh pada dapet kriman kartu payoneer itu kurang lebih 20 hari dh nyampe tapi ini dh sebulan lebih ga nyampe-nyampe. Sekarang giliran kartunya dah nyampe bingung deh mo dibuat apaan :). Niat awalnya si mau buat verifikasi paypal duank tapi berubung belom ada dana di payoneernya terpaksa deh ditunda lagi sampe ada keisi dananya :( ada yang mao bantuin :) ga susah ko, cukup ikut gabung di friendfinder aja, itu tu banner yang ada di header itu :). silakan diklik kalo ada yang mao gabung :) (maksa banget yah, hehe)

Lanjutan Akhirnya MasterCard Payoneerku Datang Juga

Nouveau Riche


According to some people, life is a fairy tale. Do you agree with him? Oh well not for me. But I have always heard the life story that seems to be a fairy tale.
Maybe you wonder if you're not familiar with the title to the post.
Nouveau Riche (french for "new rich"), or new funds, refers to a person who has acquired great wealth within his generation. This term is generally to emphasize that the individual was part of a socio-economic rank lower, and that this wealth has provided the means for the acquisition of goods or luxury goods that were previously inaccessible.

I am sure you also heard many stories with these people come from Rags to Riches. I just look at the Wikipedia today and read many stories include Cinderella, Snow White, Rocky, Citizen Kane, American Idol, Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey and many others. Very touching and inspiring stories that have a happy ending. Rags to Riches or Nouveau Riche in Wikipedia to refer to any situation where a person goes from poverty to wealth, or sometimes the shadow of the glory. If you want to know more about Rags to Riches or Nouveau Riche visit and inspired the lives of people who have a fairy tale, as history.

Lanjutan Nouveau Riche


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For good credit, financing assistance functions free of charge in advance, and without any guarantees on income reported no documents, as well as rapid implementation of five minutes. is small businesses financing 100% guarantee agreement means that if the customer does not approve its consulting services are free.

Ask the consultant in writing what their costs. Charges should be based on their maturity and credit packages should not be under its loans. In short, do not pay for small business loans or loan advice.

Lanjutan do you require business loan?

Tampilan Baro Dashboard Blogger


Dah liat tampilan baru dashboard blogger blom? tadi padi waktu mau posting kaget liat tampilan baru blogger. Menurut saya sih jadi lebih bagusan, lebih simple gitu lah. tampilannya jadi kaya dashboard di draft blogger. liat aja nih screen shout na

new dashboard blogger
bagusan mana menurut anda?

Lanjutan Tampilan Baro Dashboard Blogger

Credit Report Repair


Many consumers inadvertandly hopes to find the level of debt without means to pay its creditors as soon as possible, therefore, incur additional taxes and interest. This scenario can happen to anyone, especially if there is an emergency in the family or even for students who seek to finance their college of your credit report repair. Such a situation May cause damage rating of consumer credit and let them feel like they are in turn everywhere. In most cases, debt consolidation can be an effective way not only to reduce the number of monthly payments, interest and escalation, but more jobs and improve credit rating.

Although there are more services debt consolidation consumers, choosing a company with a good reputation and history, to help consumers in both nonprofit and for such situations, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of the process. For consumers in search of credit card debt consolidation services, wants to give you the opportunity to receive a free consultation today.

How can you save your advice and looks now receives more deeply into debt and then be able to handle. The site, which provides the opportunity to offer their services free of charge and make sure they take care of you, and they give the best advice you applicabe situation. To please visit process to begin the process of securing their financial future. NoDebtToday services are targeted primarily for American citizens and are highly qualified professionals who can go a better way of the future franchise rights.

Lanjutan Credit Report Repair

The Best Auto Insurance Quote


I had experienced the accident when I driving car. my car was broken and must be repaired in a machine shop. I was very shock when should spend money that many of them to improve my car. at the time, I thought to insure my car. I have tought information on the Internet at the portal Insurance, which was good, and I found the site of the auto insurance quote that was good.

Auto insurance quote as its name suggests is basically a type of insurance concerned with self-vehicles. There are many financial institutions where they can go to apply for this type of insurance. With the help of this insurance that a person can get money from the bank incase your car or other vehicle has been damaged due to some reason.

Insurance car is safe to apply only if the financial institution is good and reliable. Therefore, before applying for it is better to look around, do proper research on insurance rates and find out the best at their convenience. Insurance rates depends on the vehicle, its year of manufacture and so on.

One should never buy a car-car vehicle without insurance, and serving as a form of risk management against any financial loss you may suffer. To obtain this insurance can go talk to various officials of the Insurance Company, through literatures Insurance, etc. One can also take the help of the Internet for information about the same.

For the reasons already mentioned that I recommend a website that offers a variety of auto insurance, home, health and life - so you can be, above all, guaranteed on all these aspects of your life

Lanjutan The Best Auto Insurance Quote

Jualan Link di Ask2Link


Tadi malem saya ga bisa tidur euy, karena iseng mau ngapin malem-malem, akhirnya saya browsing aja lewat HP jadoel saya. Ga tau nyasar kemana saya nemuin broker paid link yang baru saya denger namanya (ada yang tau). Karena bahasa inggris saya kurang mahir, dan blog yang saya kunjungin itu blog orang bule, alhasil saya kurang nangkep maksud yang diomongin sama si mpunya blog :).
Pagi ini pas bangun tidur saya nyoba inget-inget tu blog, tapi ko lupa yah (amnesia nih :)) maaf buat yang punya blog saya beneran lupa, yang saya inget cuma alamat brokernya aja deh. Akhirnya saya coba aja langsung ke TKP dan coba daftar dan submit blog, ga ada hitungan menit blog saya ini langsung diterima.
broker ini ga jauh beda dengan broker-broker paid link lainnya seperti TLA, Backlinks, linkadage dan yang lainnya. Namun yang bikin sedikit beda adalah kita bisa setting sendiri harga dari text link itu.

Ada dua macam yang bisa kita jual disana, yang pertama dalam bentuk text dan satunya lagi dalam bentuk banner. O ya settingan harganya juga dalam hitungan minggu dan Pembayarannya via Paypal dan di kita dibayar seminggu sekali. Tapi saya menemukan satu masalah disitus mereka, saya ga menemukan form untuk menambahkan ID account paypal saya, padahal disana ditulis pembayaran lewat paypal. Scam kah? ga tau juga sih (ada yang dh tau) karena saya baru daftar dan belum ada yang pasang iklan diblog saya ini, ada yang mau pasang? atau ada yang mau ikutan daftar? tidak ada paksaan untuk mendaftar jadi referal saya, dan tidak ada hadiah apa-apa jika anda menjadi referal saya, tapi saya ucapkan banyak-banyak terima kasih kalo anda mau jadi referal saya. ada yang berminat klik disini aja yah.
sukses terus.

Update : maaf kang abi, saya dah daftar duluan baru buka email. jadi maaf saya ga jadi referalnya.

Lanjutan Jualan Link di Ask2Link

Buy Halloween Costume at


Halloween is a great moment for children of all ages, particularly in youth classes. Each October 31st for children and adults are costumes as their favorite characters and go trick-or-treatment around the city. Dressing in costume is a rare treat, and children often want to wear their costume will exist as long as possible to make the last holiday. You can find durable, affordable and delicious girls in Halloween costumes to your liking, you can imagine when you shop at
In, you do not have to research and hop around to different stores to find the right Halloween costumes for you. This site has a secret backdoor haunted house that you and your friends can get discounts. Here's what you do, go to the homepage midway on the right and click the brown comma in the line that reads "Our store now has more than 8000 items masquerade for you to choose ! This is not a joke! You'll be happy to see it. You do not have to worry about purchasing this site because it offers 100% money-back guarantee, you can visit the site and read their terms and conditions whenever you want.
The site has a lot of designs to choose from. They have costumes for kids, adults and even for toddlers. You can shop costumes by its type, as Sexy Costumes, TV, film and comic books, Couples Costumes, Plus Size Costumes, dance, Mascot Costumes and holidays.

Lanjutan Buy Halloween Costume at

Bloggerwave, Hanya Telat Membayar atau Beneran Scam?


Saat sesuatu menjadi sangat didambakan, pasti ada saja yang namanya kejahatan pihak-pihak tertentu. Yups,., di dunia maya ini memang kepercayaan menjadi sesuatu yang perlu sangat diperhitungkan. Saat beberapa lalu, ketika PTC sangat digemari oleh banyak orang ada saja pihak-pihak tertentu yang menipu hasil kerja keras kita, kini ketika Paid Review menjadi salah satu maskot bagi kita untuk mencari uang tidak luput juga dari penipuan atau dalam bahasa betawinya adalah SCAM. Siapa yang SCAM? yups,., sudah bisa di tebak sang Scamer itu adalah bloggerwave, alih-alih memberikan kita job dengan harga yang lumayan, ternyata semua itu cuma boong doank.

Sebenarnya saya sudah mendengar beberapa asumsi bahwa bloggerwave adalah sebuah scam, namun tidak sedikit pula yang bilang bukan dan menerangkan bahwa mereka (bloggerwave) hanya terlambat membayar. benarkah bloggerwave hanya terlambat membayar membernya atau mungkin memang benar bloggerwave itu scam? ini pengalaman saya, saya coba daftar disana beberapa bulan lalu, sekali daftar langsung diterima, submit blog ga sampe itungan hari udah di approve bahkan blog yang belum lama saya bikin pun bisa dengan mudah di approve. ga lama setelah blog saya di approve datang dua buah job senilai masing-masin $10, saya kerjakan dan dinyatakan "Active" atau diterima dan siap menerima bayaran dalam waktu 30 hari kedepan setelah postingan saya dinyatakan active. kedua postingan saya itu active sejak tanggal 23 Juni yang lalu dan tepat tanggal 23 Juli kemaren account paypal saya menerima kiriman dolar senilai $20 yang berasal dari bloggerwave. Benarkah? tentu saja saya bohong gelakgulinggelakguling(sory kawan :puppyeyes: ).
Sampai sekarang kurang lebih sudah 48 hari uang senilai $20 yang dijanjikan tidak kurun datang, mungkin saya menjadi korban kesekian yang tertipu oleh bloggerwave.
Dengan ini saya katakan bahwa Bloggerwave is Scammmm, setidaknya sampai ada seseorang yang membuktikan bahwa bloggerwave hanya terlambat membayar......

Lanjutan Bloggerwave, Hanya Telat Membayar atau Beneran Scam?



Akhirnya beberapa hari lalu iklan dari saya copot juga, karena ga kunjung keluar iklannya, dan al hasil zona iklan saya pun di berhentikan. Bukan hanya itu, setelah beberapa waktu zona iklan saya di blog ini di hentikan, zona iklan di blog saya yang lainnya pun ikutan di hentikan, alesannya klasik, karena trafficnya kurang dari 10.000 per bulan. walah,., kalo traffic segitu sih pasti saya ga bisa dapetin tumbuk. Tetapi saya ga sendirian, barusan abis mampir ke blognya mas tipis, haha,.,. ternyata blognya mas tipis aja kena ke sabet ma, apa lagi blog saya merajukmerajuk

Sepetinya ga lagi menjadi primadona blog indonesia, lah wong persyaratannya aja segitu ketat, adsense aja ga segitunya, liat aja comment di blognya mas tipis disini, ternyata bukan hanya saya dan mas tipis yang mengalami nasib sial, beberapa rekan blogger lainnya juga ada yang bernasib sama. Ya udahlah memang udah nasib ga punya traffic segitu banyak, akhirnya dengan berat hati saya ucapkan, goodbye to babaibabai

Lanjutan Goodbye

Humor : Segede Pensil


Alkisah diceritakan seorang lelaki yang mempunyai masalah dengan alat kelaminnya. karena ia merasa resah dengan masalahnya, lelaki yang ternyata bernama Udin itu pun memberanikan diri untuk datang ke rumah sakit untuk konsultasi ke dokter
Udin : "permisi Dok, saya mau konsultasi"
Dokter : "oh iya silakan, apa keluhan anda"
Udin : "Anu dok, saya punya masalah dengan alat kelamin saya" jawab si Udin dengan sedikit malu-malu
Dokter : "Kenapa dengan alat kelamin anda?" jawab si dokter keheranan, karena memang dia bukan dokter spesialis alat kelamin. "sebenarnya saya bukan ahli alat kelamin, tapi kalau saya bisa membantu saya akan berusaha" tambah sang dokter karena kasihan melihat ekspresi Udin yang bertampang melas dan malu.

Udin : "Anu dok"
Dokter : "Iya, anu mu kenapa? sudah tidak usah banyak basa-basi, coba saya lihat alat kelamin mu"
akhirnya dengan raut wajah yang masih kemaluan, Udin pun membuka celananya dan memperlihatkan alat kelaminnya kepada si dokter.
Dokter : "walah, kalo masalah itu si kamu seharusnya pergi ke Mak Erot" kata dokter yang mengerti maksud si Udin ketika melihat burung si Udin yang hanya sebesar pensil. "tapi tenang saja, saya juga pernah menangani pasien seperti kamu, dan hasilnya tidak begitu mengecewakan, ya sudah cepat berbaring di kasur sana" lanjut sang dokter.
Udin : "tapi dok"
Dokter : "sudah tenang saja, kalo ga berhasil ada garansi uang kembali sengihnampakgigi"
Udin : "hmm,.,.Anu dok"
Dokter : "kamu meremehkan kemampuan saya?" potong dokter yang mulai kesal
Udin : "Bukan itu masalahnya dok"
Dokter : "lalu apa? kamu mau dibikin jadi sebesar botol? atau sebesar guling sekalian" dokter kembali kesal dengan ulah si Udin.
Udin : "maff dok, masalahnya burung saya ini udah bengkak selama tiga hari"
dokter : hah&%%#$#$#&$*#??@#@?

p.s : bisa dibayangin, kalo udah bengkak tiga hari aja cuma sedege pensil, gimana kalo ga bengkak gelakgulinggelakguling

Lanjutan Humor : Segede Pensil

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I am thirsty to buy good eyeglasses, but I can not find the sale of optical glasses of good quality and cheap price. but when I browsing the Internet, I find
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Lanjutan ZenniOptical Sells Stylish Prescription Glasses Online
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