Choosing Web hosting


As a blogger or webmaster, you must be need a great hosting provider, we can see how many web hosting provider in the net, but which web hosting provider is reliable and can support our needs, each blogger or webmaster have their own needs, for big website or blog that have much content and have much traffic must be need higher bandwidth and hosting space, because if not, the site will be down.

One things that each blogger and webmaster confuse in to make a decision, “where did I have to choose the best web hosting?” this question asked everyday by many blogger and webmaster all around the world, but now you can get 10 best web hosting provider at, when you visit this site, on the main page you will be able to see the list and the features that offered.

You can compare the feature hosting, the space hosting, the price, up time services, and the review from each web hosting provider, off course this can help you to make the right decision, if commonly you browsing and spend much time to choose web hosting, but at this site, you just need 5 minutes to compare each web hosting provider.

Lanjutan Choosing Web hosting

High Quality and Cheap Zenni Optical Eyeglasses


There are many reasons why people can have more than one pair of eyeglasses. Well, some of them usually have their own favorite eyeglasses or different color frame for each of their eyeglasses. It will be very useful to makes them looks matching with the same color outfit. You can also do the same way, but the problem is it is difficult to find high quality eyeglasses and eyeglasses frame with cheap price.

Don’t worry because now we have online eyeglasses shop; Zenni Optical. In Zenni Optical you can purchase eyeglasses that you like plus colorful frame collections. You can buy $ 8 Rx eyeglasses with prescription. Get free else edge polishing and beveling and free UV protection too! You can get high quality stylish frame too here. Just choose if you want rimless frame, half rim frames, or full rim frames.

Get full guarantee for each eyeglass you buy from this online eyeglasses shop. Get also My favorite high fashion eyeglasses at this site. Zenni Optical also has cute eyeglasses for children. This is the right way to become skilled at How You Can Start Spending Smart. If you want to see the gallery and frame collection, you may visit the official site now!

Lanjutan High Quality and Cheap Zenni Optical Eyeglasses

Zenni Optical Stylish Prescription Eyeglasses


There are many things to prepare when children are going back to school. Parents should buy new books, bags, and other school equipment. For children who have vision problem, the parents may need to buy them new eyeglasses. Eyeglasses not only help them to have clearer vision but also as part of their style.

In you will find many fashionable prescription eyeglasses that will be great for your children. Wearing the fashionable eyeglasses from Zenni Optical may improve their confidence at school. The prescription eyeglasses from Zenni are not only designed at great style but they are also affordable and at high quality. In Zenni, you can buy $8 Rx eyeglasses. Furthermore, the eyeglasses feature anti scratch coating, full UV protection, quality hard eyeglasses case, full guarantee, and many more. It will save much of your money since you can get the quality and stylish eyeglasses without having to pay much money for it.

If you want to learn more about the Zenni Optical prescription eyeglasses, you can watch Zenni Optical on TV!!! IN the video, you can see the real description of Zenni Optical. Moreover, you can also read High Five to Zenni Optical to see the customer testimonials for Zenni.

Lanjutan Zenni Optical Stylish Prescription Eyeglasses

Ternyata Linkworth Masih Seger :D


Masih inget linkworth? saya pernah menulis tentang linkworth disini beberapa waktu lalu. sebernya sebelum bulan januari 2009, saya suka beud ma linkworth ini, kenapa? karena waktu itu ada sedikit celah yang bisa kita manfaatkan buat berburu $$$ dari mereka, tapi itu cara curang :D curang?? hu'uh, seperti yang saya pernah tulis juga disini, dimana kita bisa klik iklan linkwords (yg iklan contextual) di blog kita sendiri, entah waktu itu melanggar TOS atau tidak, tapi setidaknya beberapa bulan saya sempet ngerasaan dolar haram dari mereka yg jumlahnya bisa dibilang lumayan, setidaknya sebulan saya bisa nguras $100++ dari mereka :D karena saya punya dua akun disana,. wkwkwkwkw,.,.

Tapi bencana datang, berbarengan dengan datangnya tahun baru 2009 kemaren. Entah si linkworth itu ngerubah TOS atau mungkin mereka telah memperbaiki sistem klik fraud mereka, kasus klik linkwords sendiri yang saya lakukanpun ketauan :D tanggal 10 januari 2009 yg biasanya saya dapet imel konfirmasi payment, tapi waktu itu malah dapet surat cinta bahwa payment saya di Hold :( sempet ngirim imel ke mereka, eh malah akun saya yang satu dibanned :D sedangankan yg satu lagi masih aman dengan balance yg masih ada sekitar $17,39. so, jangan pernah coba nyurangin linkworth lagi yak :D

Abis kejadian itu saya jadi males login ke linkworth, karena harepan satu-satunya ya cuma dari klak-klik iklan linkwords itu, coz blog yg saya submit ccuma blog-blog sampah dummy yg content na dari autoblog :D

Tapi ga disangka, 2 minggu terakhir ini saya coba submit 3 blog PR2 dan 1 blog PR 1, pengen nyoba berburu job linkpost dan linkads na, dan ternyata beberapa job dateng yg nilainya lumayan, dan hari ini alhamdulillah dapet payment lagi :D
yang punya akun di linkworth pasti aneh ngeliat skrin crot screen shot diatas, coz payment linkworth minimal $25 :D sebenernye balance bulan agustus kemaren ada sekitar $34.89 tapi yg $17.39 di hold karena itu balance dari klik PPC linkwords yg fraud bulan2 kemaren (liat tulisan diatas) tapi alhamdulillah masih dapet rejeki walaupun kata orang2 cuma recehan :D ternyata maen jujur tuh bener2 bawa berkah, abis dapet payment bulan agustus, sekarang lagi nunggu payment bulan september yg balance na udah terkumpul recehan :D
Lumayan buat lebaran :D ada yg blom join di linkworth?? silakan signup disini, ni referal ane bro, klo ga mau jadi referal ku tinggal apus aja kode ref na. oc, selamat berburu dolar di linkworth :D

Lanjutan Ternyata Linkworth Masih Seger :D
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