Stop Dreaming Start Action, Antara Kontes Dan Belajar SEO


Kontes Stop Dreaming Start Action mungkin sedang booming-boomingnya saat ini, saya pun tergerak untuk coba ikutan yang hadiahnya terbilang besar ini. jujur aja, sebenarnya alasan utama saya ikut ini cuma mau belajar sambil nerapin ilmu-ilmu SEO yang saya baca, walaupun iming-iming hadiahnya ga luput juga dari angan-angan untuk menang :D tapi alasan utama saya ikut kontes Stop Dreaming Start Action ini memang karena ingin belajar SEO, tapi memang kemampuan yang saya miliki sangat terbatas hasilnyapun jauh dari kepuasan :D entah ada diposisi berapa blog ini,., hihihihihi,.,.

awal mengikuti kontes ini memang sangat semangat, optimasi sana-sini, namun belakangan ini ga tau penyakit malesnya kumat lagi :D dan saingannya itu loh, master2 SEO pun ada yang ikutan, bikin nyali ini tambah ciut :D tapi tetep yang namanya manusia punya keterbatasan dan kelebihan masing-masing siapa tau garis tangan lagi mujur :D

Sebenernya ini juga ga ada niatan nih nulis, penyakit males masih aja betah ga mau pergi-pergi, jadi isi post ini pun ga tau alurnya kemana :D sekedar mencoba ngelawan penyakit males dan berusaha berjuang lagi buat kontes Stop Dreaming Start Action ini, jadi klo tulisannya rada-rada aneh ya muuv aja ya :D

Lanjutan Stop Dreaming Start Action, Antara Kontes Dan Belajar SEO

Plus Minus Wordpress self hosting dan Blogspot (menurut saya)


Pada awal pertama kali saya belajar ngeblog, ada beberapa platform blog yang saya coba (pastinya yang gratisan :D) mulai dari blogspot, wordpress (yg gratis dan self hosting) blogdrive, blog detik, blogsome, dan beberapa blog gratisan lainnya. Dari beberapa platform blog itu, saya lebih tertarik pada (self hosting) dan blogspot. Tapi entah kenapa saat itu saya malah lebih tertarik ngeblog di blogspot dari pada di wordpress. alasannya karena waktu itu saya ingin blog yang simple, gampang diotak-atik, dan banyak tutorial yang ngebahas tentang blogspot dari pada wordpress :D

Mungkin kali ini saya cuma mau ngebahas tentang blogspot dan, karena dua platform inilah yang saat ini sedang saya dalami :D. Okeh langsung aja deh saya tulis kelebihan dan kekurangan dari blogspot dan wordpress, ini murni dari pengalaman saya selama menggunakan dua engine blog ini, jadi klo ada yang salah mohom maklum yak :D

Kelebihan Blogspot :

Gampang utak-atik design.
Karena memang saya ini tertarik sama dunia pemrograman (tapi ga tau apa2 :D) jadi saya suka ngerubah-rubah theme sesuai keinginan saya, dan kebeneran script yang digunakan blogspot (menurut saya) lebih mudah dari pada wordpress karena lebih banyak menggunakan CSS dan HTML (dan java script sebagai pendukung) jadi saya dengan lebih leluasa untuk ngerobah tampilan blog.

Ga perlu mikirin hosting/bandwidth/space :D
ya, karena hosting di blogspot "hampir" serba unlimited jadi saya ga perlu dipusingkan dengan space yang kecil, bandwith limited dll. saya katakan "hampir" karena untuk space gambar kita tetap dijatah (berapa ya?? lupa :D)

ini udah pasti pada taulah ya :D

Kekurangan Blogspot :

Struktur permalink ga bisa dirubah.
Permalink cukup berperan penting dalam hal SEO, tapi sayangnya permalink blogspot tidak bisa kita optimasi karena sudah paten dengan strukturnya sendiri.

Kadang suka was-was blog dihapus :D.
karena database blogspot tidak bisa kita jamah, ya jadi siap2 deh klo suatu saat blog kita dihapus oleh blogspot secara sepihak tanpa ada backup dari isi content kita. emank sih ada fasilitas eksport, tapi menurut saya kurang maknyus buat backup :D

Ada beberapa fungsi script yang ga bisa dirubah.
ini yang saya kurang suka, karena ada beberapa fungsi dari script bawaan blogspot yang ga bisa dirubah semau kita, seperti ketika saya mau memanipulasi widget feed untuk blog lirik dan chord saya (klo dijabarin panajng nih :D) tapi saya ga nemu caranya.

Ga bisa pasang scrip PHP
ini kaitannya sama monetesi sih :D karena ada beberapa broker (biasanya paid link) yang menggunakan script PHP jadi bagi pengguna blogspot cuma bisa manyun karena ga bisa ikut program monetesi itu :(

ga bisa bikin static page.
mungkin ga begitu pengaruh, tapi untuk beberapa kasus static page punya kelebihan sendiri, dan ini yang ga dipunyai blogspot.

Kelebihan Wordpress (self hosting)

punya hak penuh atas database.
punya database yang bisa kita akses sendiri bisa sedikit mengurangi kegelisahan kita atas hilangnya content, walaupun banyak kasus serangan hacker atau hosting yang bermasalah, namun menurut saya ini jauh lebih baik asal kita punya daily backup aja.

Bisa menggunakan localhost
ini enaknya platform cms termasuk wordpress. kita bisa utak-atik design, menyiapkan posting, dll. melalui localhost, tentunya akan sedikit mengurangi beban akses internet terutama bagi pengguna warnet atau internet yang limit.

support PHP.
ini kebalikan dari kekurangan blogspot diatas :P

Manipulasi function script.
inilah enaknya wordpress, kita bisa mengatur tampilan/design/kategori dll semau kita, tentunya harus punya pengetahuan PHP ya :D

Permalink yang bisa diatur
ya udah taulah, ini kaitannya sama kekurangan blogspot yang diatas tadi :D

Banyak plugin
plugin bisa menambah daya dongkrak SEO, kita bisa menambah plugin2 yg kita mau, selain buat SEO, plugin2 itu juga bisa digunakan untuk beberapa kasus, misalnya buat online store, dll.

Apa lagi ya??? masih banyak sih, tapi yang ada diotak ko cuma itu ya :D ada yg mo nambahin??

Kekurangan Wordpress

Riskan serangan hacker.
entah mengapa dari banyak kasus blog yang dihack kebanyakan wordpress dari pada blogspot. mungkin ini kaitannya sama keamanan dari blog kita sendiri kali ya.

perlu hosting.
walaupun sekarang banyak hosting gratis, namun hosting gratis banyak kekurangannya walaupun ada beberapa free hosting yang menurut saya lumayan. klo bicara tentang hosting tentunya bekaitan dengan bandwidth, space serta kualitas servernya.

Mungkin itu sedikit gambaran saya tentang kedua platform ini. sekali lagi ini cuma pendapat saya saja, tentunya anda boleh beda pendapatlah :D walapun yang saya tullis lebih banyak kelebihan wordpress dari pada blogspot, tapi bagi pengguna blogspot ga usah berkecil hati, karena bila dioptimasi secara benar, blogspotpun bisa sangat baik hasilnya. so, semua keputusan ada ditangan anda :D

Lanjutan Plus Minus Wordpress self hosting dan Blogspot (menurut saya)

Online Shopping for Cheap Prescription Eyeglasses


For some people, especially those who have a problem with their sight ability, wearing eyeglass is really recommended to reduce the damage that my still continuing. However, those people must have a complicated thought about. They know the importance of wearing eyeglass, but in other hand they worried about the expenses they have to spend to afford those expensive eyeglasses for the rest of their life.

If you have the feeling, then let me introduce you to This is a site where you can get cheap $ 8 RX eyeglasses as you might watch it on the commercial show of Zenni Optical on TV!!! This will really help you much in maintaining your eye health, while you can still do money saving on it. Forget all those expensive glasses that claiming as the cheapest one. It is the time for you to get a High Five to Zenni Optical.

Beside of the lower prices, the site has also offered us the easiest experiences in purchasing prescription eyeglasses by online. Fill the special requirement as it included on your prescription paper and they will arrange the special eyeglass you need right away. Just check on these cheap products now, and make your order soon.

Lanjutan Online Shopping for Cheap Prescription Eyeglasses

Instant Personal Cash Loan

18 comments is an online payday lender that would be able to give you immediate help on your funding anytime you need it. All you have to do is just to enter the page and fill the application forms. If everything is works well, then the amount of money you need will be transferred to your active bank account in the same day. It means that you will never have to wait fro few days to have it all.

Along with its simple and fast processes, the loan has few tight requirements on it, such as only U.S citizen who earn up to $1000 per month, and also must have an active bank account by the day they submit the application. However, since that the credit score hadn’t been included at the requirements, it means that good people with bad credit score still have a chance to enjoy the simplicity.

This quick payday loan is really suited for everyone who faces some urgent troubles, which need instant extra money for the problem. So, if you are one of them, while you have all the requirements in you, then you are welcomed to enter it and apply for your next payday loan instantly.

Lanjutan Instant Personal Cash Loan

Payday Loan for Urgent Situation


There are so many unpredictable conditions that could lead us to the stressful feeling. Just imagine what it would be if your car has broke all the sudden, while you have very limited cash in your wallet, and in other hand your money saving is not enough to pay all the bills. Surely everyone would be really stressed on it. But, nowadays, you shouldn’t be worried anymore whenever you got the situation.

Just apply for the quick cash loans at site, and you will be able to get all the needed cash just in a matter of hours. It much quicker than if you apply for the conventional loan. And so, as it used the online service, it means that there will be no hassling traveling to the company for many times. You can do all the processes right from your home computer, no matter it day or night.

There are basic requirements for the loan, such as you must be a U.S citizen, working and earn at least $1000 per month, and also you should have an active bank account. If you meet all the requirements, then there will be no more barriers between you and the desired money.

Lanjutan Payday Loan for Urgent Situation

Online Mortgage Loan Finder


With the various options of loans available out there, beside of exciting experience, buying a new home could be also quite stressful. You should be choosing the right option, so that it won’t leave you any troubles in the future. If this is your first time, or you might a painful mortgage loan experience in the past, you better be sure it won’t caught up you again this time. And is what you have to visit for it.

Whenever you need to have the best mortgage loan, this site will be there to help you find the best quick mortgage company in your locale, which meets all your requirements. There are 3 kinds of mortgage loans offered here, conventional loan, where the personal lender or bank take the fully responsibility for all the funding; jumbo mortgage loan, if you need up to $420,000 funding; or FHA mortgage loan, where all your loan are fully insured by the Federal Housing Administration. The last option allows you to have a lower and secured rate.

With those simple and easy understanding options, even beginners won’t finds any troubles in finding the mortgage loan they need. Get more information abut them all by entering the site.

Lanjutan Online Mortgage Loan Finder

Your Best Guidance on Auto Insurance Rate


Insurance is an effective investment for the back up plan if in case there is some unpredicted bad situations occurred in our future live. And car insurance is one of the insurances products out there that is designed to cover all the expenses we have to spend whenever we have accidents or our car has been stolen. But of course it depends on how good the company and plan we choose. If you are willing to apply one of the car insurances, you better take a little of your time visiting

This site is aiming to help people get some information about the best insurance rate in their local area. It means that once you entered the site, you will be able to get some deeper information about the rates offered by auto insurance companies in your local town. What a wonderful service, since that we don’t have to spend much of our time and money looking around and entering some insurers just to compare their latest car insurance rate offers. What a waste of time.

Furthermore, you may also check for the other insurance type’s services, such as health insurance information, life insurance, home insurance, and renter’s insurance. Be at the site, and your best insurance experience would be started there.

Lanjutan Your Best Guidance on Auto Insurance Rate

Your Online Financial Advisor


Everyone in this planet should have experienced the pains and stresses feelings caused by the too much debts in their life. If you are one of them, or you may still face it now you better look for some expert’s advices. is an online financial advisor service that would be gladly to help you get some great solutions for all your financial troubles, especially on the big amount debts problems.

There will be no more tears and unhappy lives, because all your troubles would be lifted from your shoulder. Once you asked their help, they will take the control on everything related to your debt consolidation. You can continue your daily routines while they do their best efforts to eliminate it all and give you the expected results. What a great way to gain a peaceful living.

Not only about the debt consolidation, if it is credit card consolidation service what you are looking for, and then you are in the right place. They also have some great experiences in such field. Just be feeling free to ask their help whenever you need it. check for the available solution options on your local area by filling the free forms in the page, so that you will have a clearer vision about what you exactly needed at the time.

Lanjutan Your Online Financial Advisor

Online Payday Loans for Emergency Situation


In this uncertain live, where everything could be happened anytime anywhere, debt loan has become the most favored solution for everyone on earth to get some financial helps, especially money funding. There are many kinds of loans out there that would be able for you to choose anytime you want. But be sure that it what you really need is. For such emergency conditions, where you forced to have immediate extra cash, is what exactly you need for.

This site is offering an instant access to your payday loans, and guides you through some online application processes where you will be able to get the needed money as soon as possible. These quick cash loan are the becoming the best solutions, because it have the simpler and quickest processes, which in some cases, the money would be transferred to your pointed bank account by the night.

As it has a short term loan, which last until your next payday, it quite safe for you to have it. There is no need for you to worry about the long term haunted debt problem. So, whenever you are in deep troubles while you are running out cash, just make up your mind and apply your payday loans in this site.

Lanjutan Online Payday Loans for Emergency Situation

A Recommended Place to Get Personal Cash Loans


We all do a lot of hard works for money since the money is very important to help us to survive. However in fact, sometimes we are short of cash money and in the same time we’re headed into some seriously urgent situation. In this case we really need to get instant financial support and getting a cash loan might be the best solution to answer such critical situation.

There are many ways we can get the cash loan we need. Instead of filing a lot of paper forms, or following complicated procedures to get loans from the bank then getting loans from the internet might be a lot more effective. If you’re a person who needs to get loans then you’re recommended to visit This website represents an online company that offers you a chance to get personal cash loans instantly.

Getting loans from this online company is very easy since all you need is to fill out some simple requirements. The professionals then would help to work the rest of it and bring you the cash loan you need. If you’re interested to get the cash loans instantly then you’re very welcome to visit this website to gain a lot more information and features.

Lanjutan A Recommended Place to Get Personal Cash Loans

The Best Way to Purchase Auto Insurance


We all know that insurance is very important to keep our belonging secured. Insurance can also be our valuable insurance that might be very useful for our future. There are many kinds of insurance companies we can find in the real world and virtual world and it perhaps would be so difficult for us to select the one that truly provides us the reasonable insurance rates as well wider insurance coverage.

If you’re a person who would like to purchase insurance then you’re highly advised to visit This website represents an online resource where you can get all information that you need to know about insurance. This website can be your best reference when you’re looking for online auto insurance. With this website then you can easily get the insurance quotes from many different auto insurance companies and this way you can easily compare them to get the best quote you can afford with.

You’re very welcome to visit this website to gain a lot more information about how to choose the car insurance quote that match with you. If you have questions about the services or other features the customer supports in this website would be very happy to assist you.

Lanjutan The Best Way to Purchase Auto Insurance

Trade Show Display Accessories


Planning for your event and exhibition is important thing to do. You have to prepare it well because you bet your reputation. Accessories for the exhibition has significant role for your success. In the exhibition you must be want to sell something and you need to make an interesting display to attract more buyers. Be creative in structuring your exhibition area with various accessories from CamelBackDisplays.Com.

To make an interesting trade show you need an amazing promotion using trade show displays that you get from this site. The designs are not limited on conventional design but it develops with view design like and island display, panel and hybrid system. Lighting is also important for your exhibition.

In this case, you can take one of truss: used on the stage or for the decoration. To add the promotion, use a big logo and if you don’t have it yet order the logo floor mats on this site. You can order a custom logo floor based on your own design. And if your buyers are interesting to buy your product, you need to serve them in the special place. Make your exhibit booth so the buyers are easy to get the product. And this site has several exhibit booths for any kinds of purposes.

Lanjutan Trade Show Display Accessories

Stop Dreaming Start Action


Stop Dreaming Start Action

Stop Dreaming Start Action, tau arti dari kata-kata tersebut??? Ya secara garis besar kamus bahasa inggris, Dreaming artinya bermimpi dan Action artinya bertindak, jadi secara keseluruhan kira-kira artinya “Berhenti Bermimpi, Mulai bertindak” hehehe,., semua juga dah pada tau ya?? :D

Maaf, saya bukan ingin memberi tutorial belajar bahasa inggris, karena inggris saya juga ancur :D yang saya mau tekankan disini adalah makna dibalik kata “Stop Dreaming Start Action” itu. Ada dua kata yang saling berkesinambungan dalam kalimat stop dreaming start action, yaitu Dreaming dan Action. Bermimpi menjadi orang kaya, bermimpi menjadi terkenal, bermimpi menjadi orang yang sempurna memang sangat menyenangakan, tapi apa yang anda dapat dari mimpi itu? Nihil!! Anda akan merasa kecewa ketika anda terbangun dari tidur. Tapi bila anda melakukan suatu hal untuk mewujudkan mimpi itu, ada kemungkinan mimpi itu akan terwujud.

Saya ingin sedikit bercerita fiksi yang terjadi pada seekor semut. Alkisah ada seekor semut yang mencari makanan, sudah hampir seharian ini ia belum mendapat makanan sedikitpun. Namun ketika sedang berjalan di pinggir sungai, ia melihat sekaleng gula di seberang sungai, ia bersorak gembira karena dengan sekaleng gula itu ia bisa mempunyai persediaan makanan untuk beberapa minggu kedepan. Namun sang semut bingung, bagaimana cara menyeberangi sungai itu, karena ia memang tidak bisa berenang, didalam kebingungannya itu, ia melihat ikan melintas didepannya. Tanpa basa basi semut minta diajari cara berenang kepada ikan, dengan senang hati ikan menjelaskan dan memperaktekan teknik-teknik berenang kepada semut dan sang semut memperhatikannya dengan seksama dari Start sampai finish.

Setelah memahami teknik berenang ikan, iya merasa tidak bisa melakukannya karena menganggap kodratnya adalah bukan seekor binatang air yang bisa berenang, dan memutuskan untuk belajar terbang saja kepada burung. Dengan senang hati burung mengajarkan jurus-jurus terbang kepada semut. Tapi memang dasar semut, iya merasa terbang membutuhkan sayap dan dirinya tidak mempunya itu, hal itu pula yang menjadikannya hanya bisa dreaming tanpa action. Alhasil semut yang tidak pernah mendengar istilah kata Stop Dreaming Start Action itu hanya bisa kecewa dan berdiam diri dipinggir sungai sambil membayangkan, andai dirinya bisa berenang seperti seekor ikan, atau ia mempunyai sayap layaknya burung, pasti sekarang ia sedang menikmati manisnya gula diseberang sana.

Sekarang saya mau mengajak anda untuk membayangkan bila anda menjadi semut itu, sekaleng gula adalah dreaming anda, sungai adalah rintangan anda, ikan, burung dan yang ada disekeliling anda adalah guru untuk anda. Apa yang akan anda perbuat?? Akankah anda Stop dipinggir sungai dan hanya Dreaming seperti semut diatas?? Atau Start Action untuk mendapat gula itu??

Cerita diatas hanya sekedar gambaran bagi kita semua, terutama bagi anda yang punya mimpi untuk menjadi atau mendapatkan sesuatu. Dan seharusnya, kata-kata Stop Dreaming Start Action wajib kita tanamkan dalam semangat kita untuk meraih cita-cita. Tidak peduli setinggi apa angan-angan anda, asalkan start action, akan ada titik terang untuk meraihnya dari pada anda hanya menjadi dreamer sejati :D

Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk kontes SEO yang diadakan oleh Joko Susilo dengan keyword Stop Dreaming Start Action

Lanjutan Stop Dreaming Start Action

Gabung di Forum ??


Pernah berfikir kalo maen-maen ke forum komunitas cuma buang-buang waktu?? klo jawabannya "iya" berarti kita sama :D

Dulu, awal-awal belajar ngeblog saya paling males gabung di suatu forum, entah kenapa waktu itu saya berfikir hal itu cuma buang-buang waktu aja. Tapi ternyata pemikiran saya waktu itu salah besar. ternyata banyak sekali manfaat yang bisa kita dapat dari sebuah forum komunitas, salah satunya adalah ILMU.

Saya baru mersakan hal itu akhir-akhir ini setelah kembali ngerumpi di forum adsense-id :D sebernya join di forum ini udah cukup lama, tapi baru mulai (sedikit) aktif beberapa bulan belakangan ini. Banyak sekali ilmu yang saya dapat dari forum adsense-id terutama ilmu nyari duit online (dasar matre :D )

Selaen ilmu dengan gabung di forum komunitas, tentunya bisa menjalin tali silaturahmi antar member forum, walopun cuma bisa cuap-cuap lewat tulisan. selaen mo ngejalin tali pertemanan, maen ke forum juga saya manfaatin buat munculin ide buat bahan posting,., wkwkwkw,.,

O iye, mungkin ada yang belom tau, khususnya buat warga yang tinggal di kawasan depok, sekarang dah ada forum warga depok (ga menutup juga buat daerah laen) forum ini belom begitu rame, coz launching na juga belom lama,.,., ada yang berminat gabung??

Lanjutan Gabung di Forum ??

The Best Plumber


At some points in your life, you will need a plumber. If there is problem in your sink and pipe, you can contact a plumber to fix it. You may handle small problems such as replacing a gasket under a faucet stem to save money. However, you should know when it is the time to call a plumber.

You may find there are so many plumbers in your area. You’d better ask your friends and family who have used the plumber services to recommend you a good one. Meanwhile, you can also search for the best plumber in your area through the internet. If you are living in Miami, I suggest you to visit In this site you will find Miami Shores Plumbing as the best plumbing company. They have been providing plumbing service for more than 30 years. Through the years, they have recognized as the best Miami plumber.

Meanwhile, if you are living in Charlotte, you can choose Adrena-Line Plumbing to give you a great Charlotte plumbing service. Call (704) 893-8766 to request the Miami plumbing service. In addition, if you are a Denver resident, you can also search for the best Denver plumbing in Colorado. You can reach them at (303) 857-5538 and order the service.

Lanjutan The Best Plumber
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