

bahasa pascal adalah salah satu bahasa pemrograman yang cukup terkenal, dimana merupakan salah satu baha tingkat tinggi, disini saya akan memberikan sebuah contoh struktur dari bahasa pascal

Contoh Penghitungan Gaji

Ketentuan Soal :
1. Input Nama Karyawan
2. Input Jabatan
Direktur : Gaji 3000000, Tunjangan 20 % dari gaji
Manager : Gaji 2000000 , Tunjangan 15% dari gaji
Karyawan : Gaji 1000000 , Tunjangan 10% dari gaji
OB : Gaji 800000 , Tunjangan 5% dari gaji

3. PPN 10 % dari gaji
4. Gaji Bersih : gaji + tunjangan – PPN

Penyelesaian :

Uses crt;
Var nama:string[20];jabatan:string;
Write(‘Nama Karyawan : ‘); readln(nama);
Write(‘Masukkan Jabatan : ‘); readln(jabatan);
If (jabatan=’Direktur’) or (jabatan=’direktur’) then
Tunj:=0.2* gaji;
Else If (jabatan=’Manager’) or (jabatan=’manager’) then
Tunj:=0.15* gaji;
Else If (jabatan=’Karyawan’) or (jabatan=’karyawan’) then
Tunj:=0.1* gaji;
Tunj:=0.05* gaji;
Writeln(‘Gaji Bersih : Rp.‘,gaji);
Writeln(‘Tunjangan Jabatan : Rp.‘,tunj:9:2);
Writeln(‘PPN 10 % : Rp.‘,ppn:9:2);
Writeln(‘Total Gaji : Rp.‘,total:9:2);

semoga bermanfaat.,.,.,.,

Lanjutan pascal



congeniality of computer
computer is laboring equipments below on file program control which automatically accept, saving and process data yielding information.

computer classification
pursuant to processed by data type
- computer digital
- computer analog
- computer of hibrid

pursuant to its usefulness
- special purpose computer
- general purpose computer

pursuant to ability
- special purpose computer
- general purpose computer

pursuant to computer physical size measure.
- mini computer
- micro computer

characteristic computer
first generation ( 1945 - 1959)
- using vacuous tube
- amount of vacuous tube which used ± 18.000 vacuous tube
- vacuous tube weight ± 30 ton
- releasing many hot.
- speed still lower.
- depository of data still is limited.

for example
- MARK of I ( first computer)
- LEO ( first commercial computer which made [by] [in] English)
- UNIVAC I ( first commercial computer which sold to ACE census bureau)

second generation ( 1959 - 1965)
- using transistor.
- physically smaller and compared to light [of] first generation
- usage of ever greater memory.
- quicker process.
- put into use online data proccesing.
- put into use disk stroge.

computer factory which producing second generation computer
IBM 1400, 7070-7090, IBM 1600, NCR 304, RCA 501, UNIVAC III, UNIVAC 1107, etc.

third generation ( 1965 - 1970)
- using IC ( Integrated Circuits). IC represent transistor corps which is compacted in electronics component.
type of Ic there are some kinds of, that is :
§ SSI, consist of < 100 transistor.
§ MSI, 100 - 1000 transistor.
§ LSI, 1000 - 5000 transistor.
§ VLSI > 50.000 transistor.
§ SLSI > 500.000 transistor.
- using multiproccesing and multiprogramming.
- using displayed visual of terminal, presenting graph, accepting and presenting voice.
- using MIRC.

third generation computer is :
IBM 360, ICL 1900, UNIVAC 1108, UNIVAC 9000

fourth generation ( since year 1970)
using developed LSI become VLSI. technological which used to make VLSI is MOS, that is representing condensation thousands of transistor in one chip.
fourth generation computer example is : IBM 370 Intel 404 Altair Cray-1 ARCNET Apple II Xerox of Star.

fifth generation ( 1995 - now).
expanding of it new software. computer have ability in so many area so that in conceiving of intellegence of brand.

from year to year growth of fast computer progressively, this cause all expert wish to make computer able to think and also have feeling like human being. but do all expert can create the computer? we just see in future.

Lanjutan computer



Congeniality of Internet
Internet can be interpreted as network of computer big and wide of which is world, that is connecting user of computer from one State to other State in all the world, where in it there are various information resource from dynamic static till and interaktif.

History of Internet
history of internet started in the year 1969 when Department Defence Of America, U.S. Defense Advenced Reaset Projects Agency ( DARPA) setting mind on to perform a to research into about how to connect a number of computer so that form network of organic. Program research into this recognized by the name of ARPANET. In the year 1970, have more than 10 connected a success computer one another so that they can is communicating each other and forming a network.

Year 1972, success Roy Tomlison complete e-mail program which he create one year ago for the ARPANET OF. this Progam E-Mail so easy to direct to so that become popular. in same the year, icon @ is also introduced as important device which mean " at". In the year 1973, network of computer ARPANET start to be developed by outside United States. Computer Univercity Collage in London represent first computer exist in outside America becoming network member of Arpanet. is same in the year, two expert people of computer namely Vinton Cerf and of Bob Kahn present a big idea, to become early from internet. This idea is presented first time in University of Sussex.

Next historic day is the 26 March 1976, when success Queen English send e-mail from is Prodigal of Signals And Radar of Establishment in Malver. One year later;then have more than 100 computer joining in Arpanet form a or network of Network. In the year 1979, Tom Truscott, Jim of Ellis and of Steve Bellovin, creating first newsgroup which called by USENET. Year 1981, France Telecom create sensation by launching first television telephone, where people can is phoning each other at the same time relate to video of link.

Because computer which forming network progressively day more and more, hence required a formal protocol which confessed by all network. In the year 1982 formed by Transmission Control Protocol or of TCP and of Internet Protocol or of IP which we recognize all. Meanwhile in Europe emerge network of computer contest which is recognized with Eunet, providing network service of computer in state - Dutch state, English, Denmark and Swedia. Network of Eunet provide e-mail service and of newsgroup USENET.
To uniform address in existing computer network, hence in the year 1984 introduced by system of is name of domain, what nowadays we recognize with DNS or of Domain Name System. tied on Computer is existing network have exceeded 1000 computer more. In the year 1987 amount of continued computer leap 10 times fold to become 10.000 unit more.

Year 1988, Jarko Oikarinen of Finland find at the same time introduce IRC or of Internet Relay Chat. One year later;then coresponding computer again leap 10 times fold, do not less than 100.000 computer nowadays form a network. Year 1990 is year most historic when Team of Berners Lee find editor program and of browser which can explore between one computer with other computer which form that network. This program of recognized with WWW or of Word Wide Web. Year 1992, continued computer form network have abysmal million computer, and is same year emerge surfing term of the internet. Year 1994, internet situs have growed to become 3000 page;yard address, and for the first time virtual-shopping of e-retail appear on intenet. Direct world change is same year of yahoo! Founded, what also at the same time birth of navigator1.0 netscape.

Benefit of Internet
In general there is many benefit able to be obtained by if someone have to access to internet. Following some of what available in intenet
1. information for the life of person of sepeeti health, recreation, hobby, personal developer, spiritial, social
2. information for the life of professional / worker like science, technological, commerce, share, commodity, business news, profession association, business association, various community forum.

One most interesting matter is membership of internet do not know state boundary, race, economic class, or ideology of factor - other factor which usually can pursue transfer of mind. Internet is an community a world of in character very democratic and also have code of etik respected by the whole its member. benefit of Intenet is especially obtained to through is same activity between group or person without recognizing boundary, time and distance.
To increase the quality of human resource in Indonesia the up for all Indonesia professional exploit network of internet and become the part of world information society.

Lanjutan internet
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